Institutions accredited to possess doctoral studies in specialties of the given field of knowledge.
The number of doctoral students is specified in parantheses.
- Goraş-Postică Viorica
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Bodrug - Lungu Valentina
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), USM - Vicol Nelu
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Education Sciences - Rudic Gheorghe
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Patraşcu Dumitru
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Cojocaru Vasile
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Callo Tatiana
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Pâslaru Vlad
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Cara Angela
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Education Sciences - Cemortan Stela
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Silistraru Nicolae
doctor habilitat, professor, Tiraspol State University - Cuzneţov Larisa
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Mândâcanu Virgil
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Andriţchi Viorica
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Botgros Ion
doctor, Institute of Education Sciences - Botnari Valentina
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Education Sciences - Cojocaru Victoria
doctor habilitat, professor, Tiraspol State University - Hadârca Maria
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Education Sciences - Guţu Zoia
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Guţu Vladimir
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Platon Carolina
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Şevciuc Maia
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Şchiopu Constantin
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Rogojină Didina
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Education Sciences - Repida Tatiana
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Papuc Ludmila
doctor, associate professor (docent), Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Izbestschi Iosif
doctor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Granaci Lidia
doctor, associate professor (docent), Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Dandara Otilia
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Coroi Eugen
doctor, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Borozan Maia
doctor habilitat, professor, Tiraspol State University
There have been written
181 theses, including
12 theses for the degree of doctor habilitate.
Under consideration [12] :
- The formation of artistic values in students in the process of choreographic training
17 March, 2023
- Historical traditions of school theatre in Romania
15 March, 2023
- Socio-professional harmonization in individualization of adult education ways
14 March, 2023
- Persuasive communication as a strategy for resolving conflicts in the school environment
3 March, 2023
- The potential of preadolescent technology education for responsible parenting
28 February, 2023
- Psycho-pedagogical particularities of developing critical thinking in primary school students
24 February, 2023
- Formation of intercultural competence of secondary school students
24 February, 2023
- The pedagogical values of developing in students a non-conflictual attitude from the perspective of professional integration
8 December, 2022
- Theoretical and Methodological Framework for the Development of Spiritual Intelligence in Academic Staf
7 September, 2022
- The actuality of the formative – organic pedagogy of G.G. Antonescu
2 September, 2022
- Psycho-pedagogical landmarks for the development of learning motivation at Arab high schools in Israel
22 December, 2021
- Theoretical and methodological benchmarks of diminishing aggression of arab studentsin high schools in Israel
22 December, 2021
Theses Archive: