Oficial Reviewer
Bendersch Olga was an official reviewer for 1 theses.
Scientific Council's Member
CSS member: 2 theses
- Mişcoi Gheorghe / 3 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science - Solomon Dumitru / 3 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), USM - Cataranciuc Sergiu / 3 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Lozovanu Dumitru / 3 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Guţuleac Emilian / 2 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Technical University of Moldova - Rîbacova Galina / 1 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Hâncu Boris / 1 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Corlat Andrei / 1 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Postaru Andrei / 1 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Costaş Ilie / 1 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova - Soltan Petru / 1 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM