Oficial Reviewer
Platon Carolina was an official reviewer for 10 theses.
- Specific traits of reflection and personality maturity among people with different loneliness experiences
28 April, 2022
- Pedagogical foundations of self - efficacy training for adult family member
26 February, 2021
- Theory and Methodology of Teachers’ Emotional Culture Development
8 July, 2011
- Integrity of Pedagogical Implications – a Factor of Students’ Performances
17 April, 2008
- Language psychogenesis in mixed communication enironment
17 April, 2008
- Evaluation Principles and Criteria of Beginner Primary School Teachers' Professional Competencies
26 October, 2006
- The psyhopedagogical conditions and methodology concerning the application of the approval and disapproval within the framework of family education
28 September, 2006
- Conceptualizing The Assessment of Pupils’ Communicative And Literary Skills
28 September, 2006
- The Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Managerial Reform in Education
27 April, 2006
- Psycho-pedagogical foundations of counseling and school orientation in high-school education in the context of linguistic and literary education
22 December, 2005
Scientific Council's Member
CSS president: 7 theses, CSS member: 23 theses
- Specific traits of reflection and personality maturity among people with different loneliness experiences
28 April, 2022, CSS member
- Machiavellianism in the structure of modern psychological knowledge: problems of theory and methodology of analysis
4 October, 2021, CSS member
- Cognitive, affective and behavioural dimensions in the manifestation of the work-family conflict in the employees of the local organizations
26 February, 2021, CSS president
- Psychology of anxiety in children and adolescents
26 February, 2021, CSS member
- Pedagogical foundations of self - efficacy training for adult family member
26 February, 2021, CSS member
- The development of volitional sphere in preschool children at choreography classe
30 October, 2020, CSS member
- Comparative analysis of personality optimism in different periods of maturity
28 February, 2020, CSS member
- Motivating 10 to 12 year old children through means of evaluation during activities at fitness/leisure clubs
6 December, 2019, CSS member
- Motivational persistence and self-stigma in seropositive people
9 July, 2019, CSS president
- Psychosocial dimensions of personal development of teacher
15 March, 2019, CSS member
- Initial Vocational Training of Pedagogical Students for the Didactic Speech
25 January, 2019, CSS member
- The increase of efficiency of self-education of primary school pupil in the context of psycho-pedagogical family counselling
23 November, 2018, CSS member
- Psychological basis of medical professional thinking formation
23 November, 2018, CSS member
- Recovery management of children with mental disabilities in the educational institution of complex type
11 May, 2018, CSS member
- Scientific and praxeological bases of forming-and-developing university environment in the context of integrating scientific, academic, and extracurricular activities
11 May, 2018, CSS president
- Psychological particularities of a child’s personality with chronic respiratory diseases
31 May, 2017, CSS member
- The influence of employees' motivation on career development
within the educational system
15 November, 2016, CSS member
- Peculiarities of Attitude of Teenagers with Hearing Disability to Creating of Interpersonal Relations with Peers
15 November, 2016, CSS member
- Psycho-pedagogical Foundations of Differentiation and alization of the Teaching Approach in the Initial Vocational Training
3 June, 2016, CSS member
- Psychosocial adaptation of first year students to the university
21 April, 2016, CSS member
- Pedagogical conditions of training motivation to students in higher education
25 February, 2016, CSS member
- The Development of the Psychological Thinking of Psychology
28 May, 2015, CSS member
- The Methodology of Education Quality Evaluation in Pre University Institutions
16 February, 2012, CSS member
- Participation of self-consciousness in system of teenagers’ personal values
22 December, 2011, CSS president
- Psychoeducational conditions of knowledge management in the methodic activity of teaching staff
5 October, 2011, CSS member
- Theory and methodology of the innovational transfer in high education
23 December, 2010, CSS president
- Evaluating pupil’s communicative/literary knowledge by means of docimological tests
1 October, 2009, CSS member
- Theory and methodology of gender education
1 October, 2009, CSS president
- The strategic management of the school development process
23 October, 2008, CSS president
- Psychological bases of thinking optimization of the students from the medicine university in the emergency situation
17 April, 2008, CSS member
- Cuzneţov Larisa / 21 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Bucun Nicolae / 24 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Bolboceanu Aglaida / 22 theses
doctor habilitat, professor - Gonţa Victoria / 13 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent), Free International University of Moldova - Guţu Vladimir / 17 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Racu Jana / 11 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Potâng Angela / 11 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent), USM - Cojocaru Vasile / 10 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Tolstaia Svetlana / 14 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Jelescu Petru / 12 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga" - Andriţchi Viorica / 9 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Paladi Oxana / 10 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Goraş-Postică Viorica / 8 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Pâslaru Vlad / 5 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Education Sciences - Patraşcu Dumitru / 10 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Chisinau Pedagogical State University "Ion Creanga"