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Roşca Alexandru, doctor habilitat, professorRoşca Alexandru, doctor habilitat, professor

Adviser Number:14 April, 2006, nr.586
Specialties: 23.00.01 - Theory, Methodology and History of Political Sciences; Political Institutions and Processes

Approved theses [9]

Dg Title Specialty Institution Role Approval date
DH Formation of international relations after the end of cold war: theoreticomethodological aspects and geostrategical reorientations 23.00.04 HASH(0x7fe547fcf1d8) consultant 09.10.2012
D he implementation of synergetic method in the analysis and improvement of the political system from the Republic of Moldova 23.00.01 HASH(0x7fe548077500) adviser 23.05.2012
D Place and Role of National States in the Process of Globalization 23.00.01 HASH(0x7fe547f00ff0) adviser
Sacovici Vasilii
D Political Parties in Post-decembrist Romania: Realities and Challenges 23.00.01 adviser 24.01.2008
D Formation of new paradigm of political thought within modern conditions 23.00.01 consultant 19.04.2007
D Establishment of the political democratic regime in the Republic of Moldova: achievements, problems, perspectives 23.00.01 adviser 28.09.2006
D The parties play in the framework of the political system of Moldova 23.00.01 adviser 29.06.2006
D Political power in present-day Romania and certain discretionary trends in its exercise 23.00.01 adviser 21.04.2005
D Analiza politologică a problemelor privind corupţia şi crima organizată (cazul Republicii Moldova şi al altor state-membre ale C.S.I.) 23.00.01 adviser 21.04.2005