Oficial Reviewer
Guţu Iacob was an official reviewer for 6 theses.
Scientific Council's Member
CSS president: 1 theses, CSS member: 4 theses
- Synthesis and study of optically active oxindoles
28 April, 2022, CSS president
- Sinteza terpenoidelor drimanice și homodrimanice cu unităţi structurale heterociclice și studiul activității antimicrobiene
9 July, 2019, CSS member
- Synthesis of substituted oxindoles based on isatines
11 May, 2018, CSS member
- Synthesis and investigation of the optically active compounds from α-pinene
22 January, 2009, CSS member
- Structure of steroidal glycosides from the seeds of Hyoscyamus niger L. and their biological activity
22 January, 2009, CSS member
- Ungur Nicon / 8 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Chemistry of the ASM - Macaev Fliur / 10 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Chemistry of the ASM - Aricu Aculina / 8 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Chemistry of the ASM - Kulciţki Veaceslav / 5 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Chemistry of the ASM - Zadorojnâi Larisa / 4 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Ciocârlan Alexandru / 4 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Bobeică Valentin / 6 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Gorincioi Elena / 6 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Simonova Lidia / 1 theses
doctor - Gulea Aurelian / 1 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Pogrebnoi Serghei / 1 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Maşcenco Natalia / 3 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Duca Gheorghe / 1 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, USM - Tatarov Pavel / 2 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Technical University of Moldova - Chintea Pavel / 3 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection of the ASM