Oficial Reviewer
Dănilă Aurelian was an official reviewer for 8 theses.
Scientific Council's Member
CSS president: 2 theses, CSS member: 15 theses
- The bassoon in the creation of composers of the Republic of Moldova
1 July, 2022, CSS member
- String Quartets by Boris Dubosarschi: style and performance issues
1 July, 2022, CSS member
- The national drama of the 90s in (con)text of postmodernism
1 March, 2022, CSS member
- Treatment of the cello part in piano trios written comp by Moldovan composers at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries
1 March, 2022, CSS member
- Theoretical and methodological benchmarks for the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils
31 July, 2020, CSS member
- Gheorghe Neaga's instrumental chamber music between tradition and innovation
6 December, 2019, CSS member
- Cantata in creation of composers from the Republic of Moldova: history and typology (1910-1960s)
27 September, 2019, CSS member
- The choreography of the choreographic art in the formation of value orientations for the students of artistic faculties
9 July, 2019, CSS member
- Flute in chamber instrumental music by composers from the Republic of Moldova in the second half of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries
25 January, 2019, CSS member
- Trumpet repertory in the music of 20th century - a space of developing new means of performing expression.
23 November, 2018, CSS member
- . The activity of directorVeaceslav Axionov in the drama theatres from the Republic of Moldova
23 November, 2018, CSS president
- Intercultural dialogue in the frame of International Festival Days of New Music from Republic of Moldova
11 May, 2018, CSS member
- Transcendental means of expressiveness of the actor in european Theatre of the second half of the 20th century
11 May, 2018, CSS member
- Particularities of stage direction in Russian theatres of the Republic of Moldova at the turn of the century.
31 May, 2017, CSS president
- Composers’ Creation in the Republic of Moldova at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries (instrumental genres, musical theatre)
21 April, 2016, CSS member
- The clarinet’ art in the interpretation act of Eugen Verbeţchi
25 February, 2016, CSS member
- Creation of composers of the Republic of Moldova in repertoire of children’s choirs
5 July, 2012, CSS member
- Mironenco Elena / 18 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Tcacenco Victoria / 12 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Ţîrcunova Svetlana / 9 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Ghilaş Victor / 18 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Axionov Vladimir / 5 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Plămădeală Ana-Maria / 11 theses
doctor habilitat, associate professor (docent), Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Berezovicova Tatiana / 7 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Tetelea Margareta / 7 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Gagim Ion / 7 theses
doctor habilitat, professor, Alecu Russo Balty State University - Melnic Victoria / 7 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Bunea Diana / 9 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Tipa Violeta / 8 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent) - Galaicu Violina / 7 theses
doctor, associate professor (docent), Institute of Cultural Heritage of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova - Ciobanu-Suhomlin Irina / 3 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts - Roşca Angelina / 4 theses
doctor, professor, Academy of Music of the Theatre and Fine Arts