StatusThe thesis was presented on the 30 June, 2016Approved by NCAA on the 15 November, 2016 Abstract![]() ![]() ThesisCZU 316.64-058.8(043.3)
Thesis structure: abstract, introduction, 3 chapters, conclusions and recommendations, bibliography from 219 names, 5 applications, 129 pages of main text, 14 figures and 20 tables. The results are published in 9 scientific papers.
Research field: Social psychology.
Objective: determination the characteristics of social attitudes and concretization of their connection with the adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family in the light of the increase of efficiency of the process.
Research objectives: the definition of the theoretical framework and conceptual apparatus of an experimental study of connection the social attitudes with the adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family; establishing peculiarities of social attitudes in the areas of values and of needs senior pupils and parents; identifying the level of adaptation of senior pupils and parents; the concretization of connection features of social attitudes with the level adaptation of senior pupils and parents; establishment of the level of family adaptation and cohesion senior pupils and parents; determination of connection features of social attitudes of senior pupils with the type of family systems; the development of science-based recommendations for the facilitation harmonious personal development, their self-determination and effective adaptation in the family.
Scientific novelty of the results is to determine the characteristics of social attitudes in the need-motivational and motivational-value fields of senior pupils and parents. With the new positions were considered the social attitudes how the socio-psychological mechanisms that cause adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family. Obtained experimentally validated data, proving: the connection the features of social attitudes with the level of adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family; the connection the features of social attitudes with the type the family system of senior pupils, which they are part.
Significant scientific problem solved in the study is the scientific justification of features of social attitudes what contributed to concretize the connection of these socialpsychological formations with adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family in order to improve the efficiency of the process.
The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact what in him: defined the features of social attitudes in the need and value of fields of senior pupils and parents; concretized the connection the features revealed social attitudes with the level of adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family; installed the connection the features social attitudes of senior pupils with the type of family system, which they are part.
Applied value of the work is to complement social psychology empirically verified information: about the features of social attitudes of senior pupils and parents in need and value fields; about the connection of these features of social attitudes with adaptation of senior pupils and parents in the family; about the connection characteristics of social attitudes of senior pupils with the type the family system. The results are useful for school psychologists, teachers and social workers in developing of programs to promote harmonious personal development of senior pupils, their self-determination and effective adaptation in the family.
Results of implementation. On the basis of the data in the study and recommendations,
drawn up a program of facilitation of harmonious personal development of senior pupils, their
self-determination and effective adaptation in the family. The results also implemented in
practical activities of school psychologists and teachers, on seminars held with parents of senior
pupils (Lyceum. Ac. Sibirski mun. Chisinau).
Under consideration [1] :
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