StatusThe thesis was presented on the 29 May, 2020Approved by NCAA on the 31 July, 2020 Abstract![]() ThesisCZU 792 (072.2): 373.2 (043.2
Bejan Angela. Theoretical and methodological benchmarks for the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils. Doctoral thesis in pedagogy, specialty 532.02 (School didactics – primary education)
The structure of the thesis: introduction, three chapters, general conclusions and recommendations, bibliography (265 titles), 18 annexes, 142 pages of basic text, 11 fig., 20 tables. Keywords: theatrical art, criteria for the development of theatrical culture, theatrical culture, theatrical development, theatrical education, elements of theatrical culture, theater student, methodology of theatrical education. The purpose: Establishing certain theoretical and methodological benchmarks for the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils. The general objectives: exploring the historical perspective of the formation of the theatrical culture at pupils; synthesizing the theoretical landmarks for the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils on the ontology – semiotic – psychology – pedagogy line; establishing the methodological foundations for the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils; elaborating and validating by experiment the methodological model of the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils; elaborating practical conclusions and recommendations. The novelty and scientific originality of the research consists of: establishing and systematizing the ontological, semiotic, ludic, theatrical and pedagogical precepts in the formation of the theatrical culture elements in primary school pupils: man as an expression of culture; the sign vs. the theatrical sign; the relation ludic-theatricality-education; solving the problem of the objective-subjective report in the theatrical education of the pupils through the scientific methodologicalization of the children's; The important scientific problem solved: correlation, epistemically, theoretically and methodologi cally, of the objective premises of the dramatic education of primary classes pupils – the ludic as a defining phenomenon of dramatic art and children's activity – with the subjective premises for the formation of the theatrical culture at children of this age (perceptioncomprehension of dramatic works as syncretic artistic phenomena). The theoretical significance of the research is given by: the theoretical benchmarks for the methodology of the theatrical education of small school age pupils: the artistic knowledge vs. the general, artistic and aesthetic development of children; redefining the notion of theatrical culture of students; defining the element of the notion of theatrical culture; The applicative value of the research resides in: establishing criteria for evaluating the level of theatrical culture of young school-age pupils; elaborating of the concept of methodological model of the student culture of the theatrical culture; establishing the levels of theatrical development of primary school pupils; elaborating an original methodology for theatrical education of primary school pupils (Modelul MFECT). The results of the research were implemented through didactic activity within A.Russo Balti State University, dissemination during seminars with school teachers and in didactic-methodical publications.
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