StatusThe thesis was presented on the 26 June, 2020Approved by NCAA on the 30 October, 2020 Abstract![]() ![]() ThesisCZU 373.2.015:793.3(043.2)
Mulco Iulia. The development of volitional sphere in preschool children at choreography classes. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Psychology. Chisinau, 2020.
The structure of the thesis: The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, general conclusions and recommendations (135 pages of the main text), bibliography (196 sources), 4 annexes, 46 figures and 16 tables. The research results are published in 9 scientific papers.
Keywords: volitional sphere, will, will components, arbitrariness, preschool child, choreography classes.
The objectives of the scientific work: the identification of the arbitrariness levels, volition features and its development dynamics in children throughout the preschool age, taking into account gender differences; and also, the development and approbation of a forming program aimed at the development of strong-willed qualities within choreography classes.
Research objectives: the analysis of conceptual bases, theoretical literature and modern scientific research of the will and its components at preschool age; and also, of its development conditions; the estimation of a preschool child volition and the identification of its features at girls and boys; the comparative analysis and the dynamics of strong-willed components throughout the preschool age; a forming program development at choreography classes aimed at the development of strong-willed qualities of a preschool child, its efficiency checking; the development of recommendations for a purposeful development of the volition components at preschool age on the basis of the received results.
Scientific novelty and originality. The gained in the research new results about a preschool child volition development dynamics supplement and concretize the scientific knowledge of a child will components formation mechanisms. The thesis contains innovative results about the will formation specifics at choreography classes. The new obtained results on the age and gender differences in the formation of arbitrariness, the acceptance of a task, the submission to a rule, etc. formed a basis for a strong-willed qualities development strategy under the experimental conditions.
Solved a significant scientific problem consists in the volition features and dynamics identification at preschool age, in the will components different manifestation at the girls and boys of this age group; and also, in the forming program development at choreography classes, which would allow to develop effectively a child personality strong-willed qualities.
The theoretical significance of the work is that a complex studying of the volition components development at choreography classes is carried out, the specifics and features in the will formation throughout preschool age are revealed; and also, the differences in manifestation of strong-willed qualities at girls and boys are established.
The practical significance of the work is that the offered model and the forming program development at choreography classes aimed at the development of strong-willed qualities of a preschool child can be applied by tutors and choreographers to work with children in the specified field. The psychodiagnostic tests are of practical interest when studying the preschool children volition and can be used for a more detailed and structured research of a child wills components. The analyses of preschooler children representation on motor sphere can be used by tutors for organization and development of motor sphere.
The implementation of scientific results. The research results were applied based on the "EXTREME&MAXIMUM" School of Choreography and Dance; and also, within the consultations when selecting a studio team. The research results were used for developing the university courses and the methodical recommendations in development psychology, general and developmental psychology and in the personality psychology at the Chisinau State Pedagogical University I. Сreanga. Besides, they were used in the heads of choreographic studios and preschool institutions activities.
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